
Three and one and two

First we have, from Jennifer, three 2007 songs recorded solo.

Parables (mp3, flac, or stream)

Crazy Eyes (mp3, flac, or stream)

Birthday Candle (mp3, flac, or stream)

Next is a 2004 song we did together. Soon we'll link a slightly later version with Jennifer singing.

Wheels on Track (mp3, flac, or stream)

Last we have two old songs from me, taped on a hatch-top personal cassette recorder in 1993. So far as I can remember, no one has heard these but me and Jennifer.

Small Things (mp3, flac, or stream)

Stepping Stones (mp3, flac, or stream)

Bonus song: As You Turn to Go was originally performed by Momus on the 6ths album Hyacinths and Thistles. That's our friend Nate Dodd of the Healthy Home playing guitar. (Link)

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